Installing Kali Nethunter Rootless on Android Device

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The Galaxy Note 10+ is a great phone, and it had a feature called Linux On Dex, which was consequently discontinued;

This page outlines a process on setting up an envrionment that replicates Linux On Dex using Temux, and NetHunter on a Non Rooted Android Phone (specifically in this case a Galaxy Note10+)

– Installation

  1. Install NetHunter store app, NetHunter Store
  2. Within NetHunter Store
    • Install Termux
    • Install NetHunter-KeX Client
    • Hacker’s Keyboard
  3. Open Termux and enter the following:
     pkg install wget
     wget -O install-nethunter-termux
     chmod +x install-nethunter-termux

– Nethunter Command Line Options

Within the Termux CLI you can start or stop Kali Nethunter using one of :

Command Result
nethunter start Kali NetHunter command line interface
nethunter kex passwd Configure the KeX password (only needed before 1st use)
nethunter kex & start Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience
nethunter kex stop stop Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience

– What to Do First Run

1.Update and perform full install of Kali within Nethunter:

apt update && apt full-upgrade
apt install kali-linux-full

2.Install Chromium, and remove Firefox (Firefox fails to run unless you have root):

apt remove firefox-esr
apt install chromium

From within the Kali Desktop

Find the “Chromium Web Browser” item in the application menu
right click and select “Edit Application”
Change the “Command” to /usr/bin/chromium --no-sandbox %U